Did you know that Donn Beach inspired Trader Vic?

Don’s Beachcomber Café had built a reputation for quality cocktails in a tropically themed environment and because it was located in the heart of Hollywood, had a star-studded clientele. On one occasion, a fellow by the name of Victor Bergeron wandered in while on a trip to Los Angeles. He immediately fell in love with the beachcomber motif and feeling inspired, re-did his trapper lodge themed Hinky Dinks restaurant in Oakland, California, changed his name to Trader Vic and mimicked Donn’s tropical cocktail program and his propensity of telling tall tales to bolster his fictional character. A rivalry was born! The two became staunch competitors over the years, inspiring and motivating others to follow in their footsteps including Stephen Crane of the Kon-Tiki Ports restaurant chain, Harry “Sugie” Sugarman of The Tropics and The Luau, and countless other entrepreneurs seeking their fortune with a similarly themed tropical escape on the mainland!

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