Carefully Crafted “Rhum Rhapsodies”

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Have no fear, your tastebuds will be happily tantalized by our carefully crafted Rhum Rhapsodies, a la the master Donn Beach.

(For those of you not in the know, Donn referred to his potent rum cocktails as “Rhum Rhapsodies!”)

There are lots of taste tests happening here at DTB HQ (it’s a tough gig, but someone has to do it! *hiccup*) – we’re making sure all your favorite classic DTB and modern tropical cocktails will meet the standards of even the most discerning imbibers.

Only the finest rums, rons, & rhums available today will be used, and yes, we will be making as many in-house ingredients as possible. We’ve got our eye on the future too, with thoughts about sustainability and waste, consistency throughout the brand, as well as utilization of all the modern techniques which have propelled us to reimagine our industry.

We cannot wait to share our delight with you all! -MK

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